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Rules & Regulations


“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” — Jim Rohn
School Regulations
  • Students must wear school uniform.
  • Students must cut their hair according to the school's regulation - namely, short and natural with no artificial methods.
  • Students must not wear cosmetics and other beauty accessories.
  • Students must not bring valuable items to the school. If this is violated, the teachers will keep such items, which will only be returned when his/her parents come and collect it/them.
  • Students will use the school's communal areas with care.
  • Students will not use lifts unaccompanied by teachers, or without permission.

  • General Rules
  • Students must not leave the school without the school permission. When leaving, students must give a permission card to the school staff.
  • When in school, students must not make a loud noise.
  • Morning orientation will be given after morning assembly. Any advice must be taken and be done so seriously.
  • When changing classroom, students must line up and walk quietly.
  • When using special classrooms and/or rooms, e.g. computer room, library, infirmary and so on, students must obey each room's regulations.
  • Students must behave appropriately to his/her teachers, staff, friends and other people.
  • Students must not visit forbidden places such as club, casino and other unsuitable places for student status.
  • Students must not behave in sexually related manners/ways.
  • Smoking, drinking and drug possession is strongly prohibited.
  • Students must not possess any kind of weapons when in school or in other places.
  • Arriving and leaving the school
  • Students must attend school regularly, as well as attend every subject according to his/her timetable.
  • When arriving, students shall pay respect to the Flag, as well as to teachers.
  • Students must arrive before morning assembly (8.10 a.m.)
  • Any student who arrives later than the above must contact the principal (discipline) for permission to attend classes.
  • When leaving the school, students must move with 'duty teachers'.
  • Students must not stay in the school later than 13.30 p.m. unless he/she is allowed to do so.
  • Absence
  • Students must write a letter explaining his/her reasons for absence. Such a letter must have his/her parents' signature as a confirmation.
  • If any student is absent more than three consecutive days, she/he must inform the school office and/or classroom teachers for a record. If sick, a letter from a doctor is required.
  • If the above is not carried out, the school assumes that such a student is unreasonably absent from class.
  • Eating Manners
  • Students must line up when eating food during recess.
  • Students must sit and eat with a proper manner. Eating while walking is strongly prohibited.
  • When finished eating, students must return eating utensils to the school in the areas provided.
  • Students must keep the school tidy and clean.
  • Lost and found items
  • Students must inform his/her classroom teacher or duty teacher when his/her item is lost.
  • When an item is found, it should be given to the classroom or duty teacher to find the owner & return it.

    For Information on ADMISSIONSIn The Academic Session 2019-2020, Kindly Contact The School Office.

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    Halbakachora, Adawal, Jagdalpur, Bastar, C.G.
    Phone: 07782-264500, +91 8718900100